The Indonesian National Research and Innovation Bureau (BRIN) and the French Research Institute for Sustainable Development (IRD) made a first assessment of the quality of their collaboration, a year and a half after the signing of their first cooperation agreement (MoU). The two institutions were delighted with the growing strength of their collaboration on several major themes of common interest.
The discussions held in June 2024 were notably moderated by Prof. Ocky K. Radjasa, director of the BRIN (Research Organization Earth and Maritime) Earth and Marine Sciences research division, Ms. Mila Kencana and her team at BRIN(Bureau for Legal and Cooperation), Mr. Udhi E. Hernawan director of the BRIN Oceanography Research Center (RCO-BRIN) and his collaborators, and by the IRD representative and his assistant.
These discussions focused in particular on the increasing strength of cooperation between the two institutions, and the success of the implementation of several projects, for example the LMI SELAMAT with RCO-BRIN in Ancol Jakarta, as well as MANFAD and MOOBYF with the Research Center for Fisheries (RCF-BRIN), particularly active in Bali. BRIN and IRD were also able to measure the high quality of doctoral training exchanges, with various financial support from BRIN (LPDP) from the IRD (ARTS) from the French Embassy etc. This includes for example the PhD theses recently defended (LPDP Indra Bayu Vimono, Nurul Novelia Fuandali, French embassy funding, with IRD ARTS complement) or in progress (Mr. Arief Rachman, LPDP, Mr. Ignatius Tri Hargiyatno, ARTS). In addition, many researchers from BRIN former alumni of the IRD frequently show their attachment to the Franco - Indonesian cooperation, notably in the context of defenses of senior researchers (ex: in June 2024 for Adi Puwandana from RCO-BRIN see illustration below). Additional talks between BRIN and the IRD continued from July 2nd to 4th, 2024 during the 13th Conference of Franco - Indonesian Cooperation (Joint Working Group - JWG) at the UNESA National University of Surabaya, East Java, through including other partners committed in joint research, training, and capacity building activities.
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