In consortium with IRD (French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development), Pacific Islands Association of Non-Government Organisation (PIANGO – Fiji), Pacific Island Development Forum (PIDF – Fiji), Vanuatu Meteorology & Geo-Hazard Department (VMGD – Vanuatu), will facilitate the implementation of the RERIPA project (“Enhancing Research and Innovation ecosystem to tackle climate change in the Pacific”) and launch a call for proposals.

The overall objective of RERIPA is to strengthen research and innovation (R&I) ecosystems of small Pacific countries, as well as networks of actors and strategies for innovative and sustainable solutions to the impacts of climate change. Participatory and multi-actor approaches will be favored, with the support of; scientific and traditional knowledge, project engineering and partnership structuring.

Funded for 4 years (March 2021 to 2025) by the ACP Innovation Fund’s Research and Innovation Programme, RERIPA call is implemented by the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS), with funding from the European Union.

Call for proposals:

In accordance with the objectives of the Project; we are calling forth interested parties to submit their proposals in relation to the two separate calls listed below:-

  1. Mapping & Diagnosis of Research & Innovation Ecosystems, network facilitation and R&I Strategy; and
  2. Capacity Building in innovation and Valorization

The RERIPA Call Secretariat is the main body in managing the Call. It will produce and disseminate Call documents and procedures. The Call Secretariat will give administrative support to applicants regarding the Call procedures. The Call Secretariat is the primary contact point of the Lead Applicant for all general matters in relation to the Call and during the follow-up and evaluation of project proposals.

Contenu et soumission de la proposition:

Download from the PIDF website ( ) all necessary documents and information, including guidelines for applicants, templates, FAQs, etc. For more information on RERIPA, please see the RERIPA Grants Operations Manual.

If you wish to submit a project proposal, please send an email to to inform about your intention to submit. RERIPA Coordination and Management Team will send you a personal link to upload your files once your application is complete.

Applications should be submitted using the link provided by RERIPA Coordination and Management Team, not later than 14/03/2022, 23:59 CET.

Learn more

Contacts science : Cecile Dupouy

Jean-François Marini

Contacts SRIV :,