The IRD team in India was present at the IRD LMI days in Marseille (France) on June 25 and 26, which focused on the theme “Water as a common good: towards an integrated vision and sustainable solutions”.
These two days were organized around participative workshops, aiming to identify societal and environmental issues, and actions to be taken in response. Members of the Indo-French Cell for Water Science (CEFIRSE) led a workshop on the impact of global change on the water cycle. Colleagues from the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IITB) and the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) were also present.
Many synergies were mentioned by the various stakeholders involved in this theme in South and Southeast Asia. Discussions and workshops identified cross-cutting themes: spatial hydrology and associated transfers, sustainable food systems and agroecology, governance and the science-politics interface, securing water availability and resilience in the face of environmental and societal pressures, knowledge sharing on an interdisciplinary basis...
These workshops will contribute to the IRD's Indo-Pacific roadmap, currently being drawn up, and will support the cross-disciplinary reflection carried out by the “Water, a common good” cross-disciplinary group, which mirrors the “One Water - Water, a common good” Priority Research Programs and Equipment (PEPR) of the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research's 4th investment program for the future (PIA4).