477 results

IRD 75 ans bandeau
IRD celebrates its 75th anniversary
In 2019, IRD is celebrating its 75th anniversary. Unique both in terms of its missions and its response model, the Institute will highlight its rich variety of scientific...
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Formation d'étudiants vietnamiens
Working together on science that supports development
As a multidisciplinary institute, the IRD demonstrates the importance of its unique approach by conducting research appropriate for addressing major development challenges.
Agriculture familiale en Tunisie
A key stakeholder in sustainable development science
The French National Research Institute for Development (IRD) is an internationally recognised multidisciplinary organisation working primarily in partnership with Mediterranean and...
Climate: IPCC experts issue another warning
On Monday 8 October, experts from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ( IPCC ) published their findings, in a Special report , on the possible consequences of a global...
Récif corallien Ahé,Tuamotu, Polynésie Française.


The IRD celebrates the International Year of the Reef

2018 has been declared the third international year of the reef. IRD is rising to this occasion, and helping the public to discover partnered research on this essential theme...

Mangrove de Nouvelle-Calédonie
Act for climate change adaptation and biodiversity
3rd philanthropic and scientific meeting Meet committed international scientists, discover innovative researchprojects