Updated 11/01/24

The educational service of the Occitanie regional delegation provides pedagogical expertise to scientists willing to create serious games and animations for students. Equipped with an instructor's guide and offered in various formats, these games and animations are usable in classrooms. They provide multiple playful approaches to education on sustainable development and raise awareness about biodiversity preservation. They also serve as a pretext to address the concepts outlined in the official curriculum in class.

Contact: serviceducatif.occitanie@ird.fr

Stand "Graines de Vie"

© IRD - Constance Hanse

Animation: Seeds of Life

During this activity recommended for ages 10 and up, participants embark on a journey to discover seeds from around the world.

Legumes and cereals are part of a balanced plate typical of the future's healthy, nutritious, and balanced diet. Some of these seeds are resilient to drought and climate variations, representing a solution for food security. The "Seeds of Life" activity aims to introduce or further acquaint people with seeds commonly consumed in different regions of the world. This is achieved by observing them through a magnifying glass, associating them with the plants that produce them, and connecting them to prepared dishes.

The kit includes:

  • 18 pots containing seeds
  • 18 plant cards
  • 18 dish cards
  • 1 instructor's guide
  • Credits

    This activity was created by the Communication & Scientific Culture Department (Educational Service) of the IRD Occitanie regional delegation with the scientific support of Anne-Céline Thuillet, IRD UMR DIADE.

Zoo - Petit théâtre des plantes cultivées


Animation: Cultivated Plants Reveal Their Mysteries

This interactive animation, recommended for ages 8 and up, focuses on the foods we consume, specifically cultivated plants and their origins. Throughout this animation, we explore the following question: Since when have we been consuming the fruits, vegetables, and plants that we know, and from which parts of the world do they originate? It's a playful way to understand the history of our plants and our diet.


The animation includes:

  • Magnetic world map
  • Magnetic timeline
  • Fruit and illustration magnets
  • Wooden food items
  • Wooden and plastic plate
  • Illustrative images of a castle and a house
  • Credits

    This animation was designed by Anne-Céline Thuillet and Jean-Louis Pham (UMR DIADE). It was further enhanced by Nora Scarcelli (UMR DIADE) and the communication and scientific culture department of the IRD Occitanie regional delegation.

Jeu la Marmite 4

© Les Ateliers ludosophiques

Jeu la Marmite 4

Collaborative Game: "La Marmite"

Food Democracy in Play?

Reclaiming control over how we access food is what food democracy is about! The collaborative game 'La Marmite - Solidarity Food on the Table' is a mediation tool. Its objectives are to:

  • Raise awareness of food inequality situations
  • Enable discussions on the right to food
  • Experiment with a proposal for food democracy
  • Experience the importance of freedom in choosing one's food.

Intergenerational, suitable for ages 12 and up.

  • Credits

    The collaborative game 'La Marmite - Solidarity Food on the Table' was designed and developed by Les Ateliers Ludosophiques in partnership with the UNESCO Chair on World Food Systems, IRD, FRCIVAM Occitanie, ISF, SSA collective, the association Marchés Paysans, and Vrac & Cocinas. It was created as part of the Territoires à VivreS Montpellier project, which aims to promote dignified access to quality food for everyone.

Village à Sumatra, Indonésie

© IRD - Hubert de Foresta

Les madriers en bois de damar sont extraits des agroforêts puis descendus jusqu'au village par flottage, Sumatra, Indonésie

Role-playing game: Forest Resource Management

This activity, accessible from 6th grade (10 years old), is the result of the enhancement of a game proposed by EDUSCOL.

The student learns:

  • to link the forest resources resulting from the planet's activity and their exploitation by human beings for their needs;
  • to argue about choices in terms of responsible individual and collective behaviors to protect themselves from risks and have a reasoned exploitation of forest resources.

This game leads to an argued debate and potentially a referendum within the class. Students, divided into groups, have assigned roles with a documentary corpus allowing them to build their thinking and arguments.

To access the game, visit the website of the Academy of Montpellier

  • Credits

    The games have been enhanced by the Communication & Scientific Culture Department (Educational Service) of the IRD Occitanie Regional Delegation.

Carte Cycle de vie Jeu Babacu

© IRD - service éducatif

Carte Cycle de vie Jeu Babacu

Teaching Kit: In the Land of the Babaçu Palm

This activity is suitable for students from the 6th grade (10 years old) and was updated in 2021.

Through various materials, the student learns about a plant exploited in Brazil, the babaçu palm, its environment, biology, uses, and the different actors in the industry. They are also introduced to spatial awareness and observation of satellite images.

The kit includes the following elements:

  • Teacher's handbook (for middle school) - View and download
  • 7 sets of cards
  • Geographical orientation game
  • Memory®-style observation game
  • 7 families

    L'objectif est de mieux connaitre le palmier babaçu, son milieu, sa biologie, ses usages et les différents acteurs de la filière.

  • Geographical location

    One of the objectives is to locate oneself on a satellite image using geographical coordinates. Another objective is to visually assess human activity's impact on the environment over a 7-year period. Using two satellite images of the same area in Benfica, Brazil, taken 7 years apart, and equipped with latitude, longitude data, and a legend.

    Satellite Images

  • Memory

    The aim is to become familiar with observing satellite images.

  • Educational Kit in Portuguese
  • Credits

    The games were designed by Charlotte Maquet, a student in the Master's program of Digital Humanities at Paul Valéry University, Montpellier, as part of her 2C3B project 'New Technologies and Biodiversity'. With guidance and support from Danielle Mitja, Eric Delaître, Véronique Rousseau (IRD - Espace-Dev), Deiane Jorge Macedo (Master in Geomatics UPV-UM-IRD Espace-Dev), Alessio Moreira dos Santos (UNIFESSPA), Dominique Chirpaz, Olivier Lumineau (Teachers, Academy of Montpellier), Fabienne Doumenge, Muriel Tapiau, Valérie Rotival (Communication & Scientific Culture Service of the Occitanie Regional Delegation of IRD). Updated in 2021.

MARECO, jeu sur les récifs coralliens


MARECO, jeu sur les récifs coralliens

Teaching kit: MARECO - The Coral Reef in Our Hands

Accessible from kindergarten, the educational kit 'MARECO, the Coral Reef in Our Hands' aims to inform and sensitize young students to the challenges of coral reef protection and provide essential knowledge to understand this unique ecosystem.

The kit consists of:

  • Several resources (Album 'The Colors of the Reef', Role-playing game 'Meeting at the Reef', The 7 Families of the Reef game, also available in English),
  • An Educator's Guidebook and annexes,
  • An evaluation questionnaire for educators.

These resources are downloadable here

Kits are available for loan to teachers free of charge. The borrower is responsible for transportation. Contact us for more information.

Mareco in pictures

Additional resources:

  • Documentary:
    MARECO, the Coral Reef in Our Hands - 2015 - 15.44 min - Produced by IRD, Mozalink-Wiomsa, Directed bye B. Surugue, Conseiller scientifique P. Chabanet
  • Scientific article :
    Chabanet et al. 2018. Impact of the Use of a Teaching Toolbox in an Awareness Campaign on Children's Representations of Coral Reefs. Frontiers in Marine Science, 5. 
  • Credits

    The kit was designed and developed by Jocelyne Ferraris and Pascale Chabanet (UMR ENTROPIE).

Vie cachée des sols - Macrofaune


Vie cachée des sols - Macrofaune

7 Families: The Hidden Life of Soils

7 Families: The Hidden Life of Soils" is accessible for ages 8 and up and is available in both French and English versions.

The brochure « The Hidden Life of Soils » aims to inform the general public in a pedagogical manner about the environmental and economic issues related to soil biodiversity.

The 7 families game allows players to discover these families in a playful way:

  • Microorganisms and Microfauna Family
  • Mesofauna Family
  • Macrofauna Family
  • Megafauna Family
  • Soil Family
  • Plant Family
  • Scientist Family

Additional resources:

  • the website of the program "Environmental Functions and SOIL Heritage Management" - GESSOL
  • the website of the French Soil Association - AFES
  • the website of the French Environment and Energy Management Agency - ADEME
  • Credits

    Author(s) : Eric Blanchart, Tiphaine Chevallier (UMR Eco&Sols), Jurgis Sapijanskas (MTES), Antonio Bispo, Camille Guellier (ADEME), Dominique Arrouays (AFES).

    The game and the booklet were created under the impetus of the Scientific Council of the GESSOL research program. This program is coordinated by the General Directorate for Sustainable Development of the Ministry of Ecology (MTES), coordinated by ADEME.

    For the 7 Families game, thanks to Myriam Bès, Patrick Bueso, Martial Bernoux, Claire Chenu, Dominique Chirpaz, Sacha Desbourdes, Christian Feller, Claudy Jolivet, Linda Maurin, M. Millot, N. & J.M. Moronval, Roland Poss, Diane Roque, Muriel Tapiau, Sylvie Truillet.

Go further: consult all the games by IRD