Updated 03/03/23
If the assignment of French researchers to their Vietnamese partners is still the main way for the IRD to support the creation of sustainable networks, the institute also proposes complementary mechanisms, both individual and collective.
From an individual point of view, mobility grants allow Vietnamese researchers to benefit from long stays in France to build or consolidate their own networks. From a collective point of view, the IRD supports the organization of events, in Vietnam, allowing a strong interaction and networking of Vietnamese and international researchers. Since 2017, the IRN (GDRI-Sud) program also supports these scientific networks on a regional or international scale. Finally, since 2019, an additional mechanism, called PSF Sud, offers recurrent support for the organization of summer schools or training courses that also allow the creation of sustainable scientific networks.
PSF-Sud ASIAME (2020-2022)
ASIAME (South-East ASIa School of Aquatic Microbial Ecology) themed schools aim to provide young ecologists in South-East Asia with a thorough education in both the theoretical and the methodological aspects of aquatic microbial ecology (cultures, taxonomy, physiology, metabolism and genomics). They also aim to allow the regional scientific community to network in order to encourage interactions and the emergence of research collaborations between countries in South and South-East Asia.
PSF-Sud HGP-MEKONG (2020-2022)
The problems associated with underground water in South Cambodia and Vietnam, which share the Mekong Delta region, are linked to the integrated strategy for managing water resources in rural and urban areas.
Summer schools and training sessions
Regional Social Sciences Summer University, Tam Dao Days
Each year since 2007, the "Tam Đảo School in Social Sciences” (JTD) has been offering training in analytical methodologies of the social sciences – geography, economics, statistics, socio-anthropology, history, etc. – to nearly 100 participants from Southeast Asia (students, university lecturers, researchers, civil servants, development practitioners). The training takes place both at the Việt Nam Academy of Social Sciences (VASS in Hà Nội) and in residence at the Tam Đảo hill station close to the capital, or in another university in Central or South Việt Nam.
CBID - Computional Biology For Infectious Diseases
The CBID summer school is designed to provide students, researchers and professionals working on infectious diseases with basic concepts and hands-on experience in quantitative analyses of high throughput data. It targets people coming from the health sciences and wishing to acquire skills in quantitative analyzes or people coming from the modeling sciences and wishing to develop applications in health.
Formation COMPOSE
Formation COMPOSE
Researchers who have benefited from a BEST or mobility grant
HO Bich Hai
Organisme : Institut of Information Technology (VAST)
Sujet : Metagenomic approach to characterization of human intestinal microbiome and clinical medicine translation.
Coordinateur IRD : Jean-Daniel Zucker
Durée : 2 séjours de 6 mois (à partir de février 2015)
NGUYEN Thanh Nho
Organisme : University of Science (VNU)
Sujet: Arsenic distribution and speciation in the mangrove sediments of the Mekong delta (Vietnam).
Coordinateur IRD : Cyril Marchand
Durée : 3 séjours de 3 mois (à partir de février 2015)
- NGO Quoc Anh
Organisme : Institut de Chimie (VAST)
Sujet : Training period on the environnemental applications of oxygen micro-electrodes, UMR 238 ECOSYM
Coordinateur IRD : Didier Orange
Durée : 01/06-30/06/2011 (1 mois)
DUONG Thanh Nghi
Organisme : Institut de l'Environnement et des Ressources Marines de Hai Phong (IMER/VAST)
Sujet : Organotin compounds in the Bach Dang estuary system : a seasonal comparison, UMR 238 ECOSYM
Coordinateur IRD : Emma Rochelle-Newall
Durée : 01/03-30/06/2011 (3 mois), Montpellier
LUU Bich Ngoc
Organisme : Institut de Recherche Population et Sociétés (IPSS)
Sujet : La famille vietnamienne face au VIH/Sida, UMR 151 LPED
Coordinateur IRD : Myriam de Loenzien
Durée : 01/05-36/06/2010 (2 mois), Paris Ouest Nanterre
TA Hoang Anh
Organisme : Plant Protection Research Institute (PPRI, VAAS)
Sujet : Emergent rice viruses in Vietnam, UMR 186 RPB
Coordinateur IRD : Eugénie Hébrard
Durée : 12 mois, 2 mois (2009) ; 3 mois (2010) ; 3 mois (2011) ; 4 mois (2012)
CHU Van Thuoc
Organisme : Institut de l'Environnement et des Ressources Marines de Hai Phong (IMER/VAST)
Sujet : Taxonomie du phytoplancton, ecologie algale (efflorescences toxiques), isolement et cultures de phytoplancton, UR 103 CAMELIA
Coordinateur IRD : Jean-Pascal Torréton
Durée : 3 mois en 2008-2009, Montpellier, ECOLAG